Bach and Telemann 

With harpsichord/ organ 
The Princess of Orange- Handel and Leclair 
La Folia (virtuoso music of the Italian Baroque) 
Handel's Circle 
Old Masters of Amsterdam 
The Fantastic Tradition of J.S. Bach 

With fortepiano (Tom Bouwman) 
Mozart Sonatas 

Scroll Ensemble (historical improvisation)
Game of Themes 
Classical Improvisation Sessions 

Estehaagse Ensemble (baroque and classical chamber music)
Baroque Duos 
Purcell and the Most Fam'd Italian Masters 

Simkhat Hanefesh (yiddish baroque) 
The Journey of Abraham Levi 

Brenden Faegre Edge Ensemble  
Sunrise (silent film) 

DaMu Collective
Identity Shifts (contemporary improvisation and Commedia de l'Arte)